Welcome to Vardot KB!

Vardot is an exceptional knowledge-based company that provides customized digital experience solutions built on the open-source Drupal CMS.

Please visit our website to learn more about Vardot, our products, services, projects, and clients.
Please also visit the company book on this site.

How to Use This Site?

Vardot's Knowledge Base, usually referred to as KB, collects and organizes the most important and relevant information in a format that empowers you to do your job effectively.

The content of this KB is organized as books (or sections if you like), where we can add articles to each book in a very organized way, change the entry order, etc.

  • Skim the books found on this page to get an idea about the content they contain, then visit the link that interests you.
  • Note sections like "Templates & Resources," "Email Templates," and "Related Articles" that appear at the end of most articles.
  • If you have joined Vardot recently, please ensure you have gone through the Employees Handbook and have all you need to do your job.
  • You can also use the search at the top of this page.
  • We strongly encourage you to contribute to KB, correcting its content, adding to it, and suggesting deletions or new sections and contents.

We wish you all the best. Avant-Garde!

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You can always request information if you did not find what you're looking for.

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